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TPT 5.6 - Safe Computing

Question Answer
Describe PII you have seen on project in CompSci Principles. One example of PII I have seen in CSP was the example table for the CRUD project. This is PII because there were entry boxes for people to enter their name and email address, which could then be accessed by every single student in CSP.
What are your feelings about PII and your exposure? It's a little scary knowing how easily people could find my personal information and knowing what might they do with it, but that knowledge will keep me more accountable for the content I'm putting out into the world and ultimately make my digital presence a litle safer for myself.
Describe good and bad passwords? What is another step that is used to assist in authentication. A good password should have a variation of letters, numbers, and symbols. It should also be something very personal that only the creator of the password would know. Besides the actual password itself, another way to strengthen security would be to use multi factor authentication, where a user would have to sign into an account on multiple devices. Examples includes app such as Instagram or Google that ask you to enter a form of a code to the site to enter
Try to describe Symmetric and Asymmetric encryption. Symmetric encryption is when only one key is used for both the encryption and decryption of electronic information, whereas Asymmetric encryption allows users to encrypt information using pairs of keys that consist of a public and private key.
Provide and example of encryption we used in deployment. An example of encryption used in deployment was the process of Certbot to switch our HTTP site to work in HTTPS, which is more secure, by getting a certificate from Let's Encrypt.
Describe a phishing scheme you have learned about the hard way. Describe some other phishing techniques. Luckily, there haven't been any instances where I have fallen for a phishing scheme. But I have encountered them because I used to get texts from unknown numbers sending me suspicious links. Other phishing technique I've heard of could be from emails or social media.
</table> ## TPT 5.4 - Crowdsourcing * Crowdsourcing: reaching out beyond one community to obtain and share information, and participate in distributed computing * helps to reduce computer bias * Crowdsourcing is evident in Wikipedia, Crypto currency, and COVID data * In CSP, we use crowdsourcing through * Rapid APIs - retrieves external data * Github - sharing and exchanging code with other Github users
Question Answer
When you create a GitHub repository it requests a license type. Review the license types in relationship to this Tech Talk and make some notes in GitHub pages. A Creative Commons License waives copyright interest in your work and dedicates it to world-wide public domain. An Open Source MIT License allows free code use and distribution of closed source versions. An Open Source GPL License lets people do almost anything with your project except distribution of closed source versions.
Make a license for your personal and Team project. Document license you picked and why. Our team and sponsor all agreed on using a Creative Commons License because it is ideal for educational use, and our website encourages readers to develop their education through the love of reading. Also, we wouldn't mind if other CSP students wanted to build onto our project and improve it. A Creative Commons License would be ideal for this purpose, as long as we are given some form of credit.
</table> ## TPT 5.3 - Computing Bias * Computer Bias: computer systems that discriminate against individuals or groups of individuals * Intentional Bias * Facebook is targeted towards older people while Tiktok is targeted towards younger people * Netflix algorithm changes to show certain content to certain groups of people
Question Answer
CompSci has 150 principles students. Describe a crowdsource idea and how you might initiate it in our environment? Crowdsourcing can be introduced into our CSP environment by implementing surveys on experience in order for students of different skill sets to come together to collaborate on a project. By taking into account the diverse levels of experience and distributing students according to their skills, teams will be better equipped to solve any problems. This will also allow a wider variety ideas to be shared, which can significantly enhance the quality of work.
What about Del Norte crowdsourcing? Could your final project be better with crowdsourcing? Crowdsourcing within Del Norte can be very helpful, especially for our current project. Our website will be catered towards people, students specifically, who love to read or are wanting to get into reading. So it will be extremely helpful if we can get any feedback from our fellow peers and teachers in order to bring in new perspectives.
Question Answer
Does the owner of the computer think this was intentional? Justify. No, the owner of the computer doesn't seem to think this was intentional as he appears to be making fun of it and laughing about the difference of the tracker compared to his coworker.
How do you think this happened? I think this happened because the people who created this only tested it in on a certain group of individuals and once they finally got it to work, they didn't know that it wouldn't be adjusted to work on a different group of individuals.
Is this harmful? Was it intended to be harmful or exclude? Although it wasn't meant to be harmful or exclusive, it can actually be upsetting for POC because they may feel neglected or underrepresented.
Should it be corrected? What would you or should you do to produce a better outcome? Yes, this should've been corrected immediately. In order to have produced a better outcome, the developers and testers should've taken data from a diverse group to ensure that the product would work properly for every single user.
## TPT 5.2 - Digital Divide * The Digital Divide: the gap between people who have easy access to technology and those who don’t * Some contributing factors to the digital divide are socioeconomic, geographic, and demographic * Individuals may have less access to latest updates * In our environment, Del Norte CS preference is that you have your own computer, which can cause inequity issues
Question Answer
How does someone empower themself in a digital world? Digital empowerment allows people to reach their full potential in a networked society. People can empower themselves in the digital world by investing time into expanding their knowledge of technology. From then on, students can use their existing knowledge to participate in the digital world, and even continue building on it.
How does someone that is empowered help someone that is not empowered? Describe something you could do at Del Norte HS. Someone who is empowered in the digital world could help someone who is not by passing on their own knowledge to them. This could simply be done by answering any questions they might have, which is already tremendous guidance. However, something that could be done at greater level would be to start a club, at Del Norte for example, that is specifically dedicated to empowering people in the digital world.
Is paper or red tape blocking digital empowerment? Are there such barriers at Del Norte? Elsewhere? The "paper/red tape" that is blocking digital empowerment is the digital divide, where not everyone has equal access to technology. These barriers can most often be seen in poorer places, and can be seen within Del Norte. Our high school encourages students to bring their own laptops/devices to school, but this may not be possible for some students.
## TPT 5.1 - Effects of Computing * UAVs/Drones are used in search & rescue, aerial photography, and for hobbies, but it also has unintended uses * Dopamine plays a role in how we feel pleasure, can have posititve and negative effects * Some people’s computer time may be greater than their sleep time * Innovations in phone trees, voice recognition, or keypads often enables efficient service
Question Answer
Come up with three of your own Beneficial and corresponding Harmful Effects of Computing. Computing is beneficial because it is more efficient, it is more accurate, and opens up a world of opportunities for people. However, it is harmful because it can become invasive, addicting, and distracting if used in the wrong ways.
Talk about dopamine issues above. Real? Parent conspiracy? Anything that is impacting your personal study and success in High School? Dopamine is what allows people to feel pleasure. While it can be a positive experience for people, it can also have a negative impact on their mental and physical healths, as dopamine is addictive. For me, getting good grades is my source of dopamine that keeps me constantly feeling the need to do well in school. At times it can really affect my mental health, but when I get good grades, it is so worth it.