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Quiz 5

Score: 25/50 (only answered 30 questions)

Question Number Correct Answer
2 B - The error occurs because there are two calls to random for each iteration instead of just the necessary one. Line 9 should be replaced with else so it increments yCount when xCount doesn't meet the requirements.
4 B & C - I got C correct, but I didn't get B. B is correct because when you divide any number by 2, the remainder can only be two values, 0 or 1. Then, these values can be represented by a single bit.
7 C - 6 bits would only represent 2^6 = 64 employees. Therefore, you would need 7 bits, or 2^7 = 128 to represent the full 100 employees.
15 C - Program A displays 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 while Program B displays 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11. So, they both display the same number of values, but Program B will always display one number greater than Program A.
26 A - The program properly executes its intended goal because the variable is initialized as 0 and increments count by 1 each time target is found.

Quiz 3

Score: 40/50

Question Number Correct Answer
1 B - Only 2 connections must be removed before Device T can no longer communicate with Device U because Device U is only connected to 2 other devices. I said 4 connections because I was only looking at Device T.
6 A and D - They both display integers from 1-20 that aren't divisible by 3, then after 20 it terminates. I said B and C because I was thinking the opposite logic.
7 D - The procedure returns the sum of integers from 1 to n, not the product of integers. I don't know why I was thinking it was the product, but looking at it now it is very obvious that it's the sum.
13 C - They would be charged $5 for the first 25, then after that $7 for each additional unit. I just switched around the 7 and 5 because I mixed up the logic.
17 C and D - The procedure returns the first instance where a number is less than the first number. Therefore, in option C it would return 20 and in option D, it would return 30.
34 B - Factorial does not run in a reasonable amount of time, so it does meet the requirements of a heuristic approach. I chose binary search, but since it runs in a resonable amount of time, heurisitc is not appropriate.
35 D - If the music was purchased and downloaded through a licensed music store, then it will not violate the DMCA. The option I chose is incorrect because I didn't realize geolocation could be accessed by the website.
41 D - In public cryptography, a message is encrypted with a recipient's public key and decrypted with the recipient's private key. I chose the sender's private key, but that can't be used to decrypt.
43 C - Users with a premium account won't even receive advertisements in the first place. I just blanked on the fact that premium users pay to not receive advertisements, therefore, they won't receive targeted advertisements.
47 A and D - These are the only two options that properly display the user's bonus score. I got this wrong because I kind of just guessed.

Quiz 1

Score: 36/50

Question Number Correct Answer
5 B - When cookies created during anonymous browsing session are deleted, so is the information from the browser.
6 C - The hexadecimal number 56 represents the letter V because 56 in hexadecimal is equal to 86 in decimal.
9 B - The company can't provide a human representative for every single call, especially when made after business hours.
12 A - Only the audio signal of customer's voice is needed because the upgrade doesn't use keypad selection to describe the issue.
14 C - 6 bits allow for 64 items to be identified, where as 7 bits allow for 128 items to be identified. This is 2 times as many.
24 A - Data transmitted in packets contains the data itself, as well as the metadata of the information.
25 C- Creative Commons license increases the amount of free, public content, therefore, the author wouldn't want to prevent people from sharing copies.
29 C - The test case isn't sufficient enough because it's only been tested one time, which is not enough information to make a conclusion.
36 The database stores item identification and how many are available, meaning it could detect how many aren't in store.
37 Even though y>z in this instance, it is less than x, therefore it would go to the else statement and falsely display z as the max.
43 C - This could lead to a phishing attack because it requres a user to click on an email and provide personal information.
44 A - The bank is not trying to trick anyone into giving them personal information, rather public information.
46 D - Protocols are a set of rules. Open protocols establish that if used on internet enable devices, they can communicate in a standard way. </tr>
50 C - RGB triplet values can be calculated by subtracting from the original value from 255. This original value can later be restored to exact original. </tr> </table> ## Quiz 2 ### Score: 43/50 </tr> </tr> </tr> </tr> </tr> </tr>
Question Number Correct Answer
5 A - Collecting pictures from around the world can be conducted by distributed individuals who contribute data to the study.
18 D - The code initializes result as 2, then multiplies result by 5 a total of three times. 22 B - IPv6 allows for more devices to be connected to the internet thatn IPv4 because of its ability for more IP addresses. 25 C - The application encourages users to connect with one another because of its GPS ability, while also encouraging exercise. 40 D - Citizen science is more efficient in this instance because the research is distributed among a large group of individuals. 43 A - The robot moves 1 forward, rotates left and moves 2 forward, rotates left and moves 3 forward, rotates left and moves 4 forward, then rotates left, just like the segment above. 50 D - The average total points earned by student, the average increase in total points per student, and the proportion of students who improved can be calculated.