
the curliest cupboard (updated) on the planet

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PII Concerns: We talked to Mrs. Dafoe and she said that one concern she would have with a forum, is that students can upload innappropriate content. She wants us to make sure students can’t upload things like that. One way we have to combat that is that the only upload/post option we would have available is on local storage, so it wouldn’t be accessible by other studnets.

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Week 0 Asked Mrs. Dafoe to be our sponsor. She agreed.
Week 1 Feedback/Requirement:
- give positive reinforcement to a reader
- positive reinforcement can be in the form of earning points or something similar
- positive reinforcement makes them want to go back
- positive enforcement for us is social
- reading group, get connected
- some sort of channel for people to share their ideas and opinions regarding books
- drop down menu of really easy and accessible titles
- give books a "bio" so readers can preview them and find what they might be interested in
- link to forum where you can do discussion
- Website is catered to 2 groups:
- People who want to get into reading
- People who already read but want to explore deeper
- Do this by creating a form of a directory when you first create the website and allows you to reach different home pages
- two different forums, for two different groups
- two different main pages for the two types of people
- forums need to be monitored to avoid misuse and inappropriate behavior
- Make the website more personalized; based off of previous reads what would someone like to read in the future?
- Note: Make sure the website isn't too general, make it more personalized and in depth so that it's unique.
- different genre match feature
- ex: non-fiction and fiction, how do they relate?
Week 2 Feedback/Requirement:
- Showed her our visuals
- Agreed on a Creative Commons Liscence --> if other csp students want to make reading websites from this that's okay --> just to have to attribute our work
- Suggested that pages are like a choose your own adventure (once you choose a side, either reading or non reading, you go to pages that are not displayed on nav bar)
- More info on curriculum books --> said students can lose interest
- Make it more interactive with the student curriculum
- Presented the Mr. M's feedback (have some teacher admin where they can add books) --> she really liked it
- Thought she could use the admin feature to add popular books student could read for reading zone/book talks she can update it
Week 6 Feedback/Requirement:
- more interactive features for students - maybe a notepad with local storage - organize tools - maybe separate into different categories rather than one dropdown menu - implement more security to keep everything school appropriate - add another login check to forum feature - reading calendar to help students keep a consistent schedule
Week 8 Feedback/Requirement:
- format the website so it better reflects the two groups (explore deeper and start exploring) - add more features that encourages students to continue reading and return to the site - think about adding features about recording/timing a reading session - make website easier to navigate for first time visitors - organize tools better - reading timer - Reading log